

essential.. non essential projects \(〇_o)/

http load balancer

Repository contains a simple HTTP load balancer written in Go and a test HTTP server to demonstrate its functionality.

technologies: Go

demo order processing

A simple order processing system using go and rabbitmq. emulates an event driven system

technologies: Go, RabbitMQ

cinegeek v2

Rewrite of cinegeek with NextJS 13 React Server Components

technologies: React, NextJS, TailwindCSS, TMDB API


A microblogging web app just like `you know what`.

technologies: NextJS, Typescript, TailwindCSS, Prisma, Trpc, Postgres

Jwt Auth with Fastify, JWT, and Typescript

simple token based auth pattern.

technologies: Fastify, JWT, Typescript, Prisma


A movie listing application that provides details about movies based on popularity, rating, and different genres.

technologies: React, Vite, TailwindCSS, TMDB API


An e-commerce storefront

technologies: C#, ASP .Net Core, SQL Server, Entity Framework Core, Angular
